Sunday, February 26, 2012

NVM Youth Carnival "Alternative"

As many of you may know, Carnival celebrations are huge here in Haiti. Carnival (Mardi Gras in United States) is characterized by tons of partying, drinking, etc. Rather than the youth being involved in these activities... Nehemiah Vision Ministries decided to provide the youth in Chambrun and neighboring villages with a Carnival "Alternative" from Sunday, February 19 - Tuesday, February 21. These 3 days were by far the most fun days I've had here in Haiti (yes, even better than the beach visits!). One of the greatest influences for my return to Haiti, were these children/youth. These 3 days were a great opportunity for the NVM Staff to not only have tons of fun with the youth...but also share the Gospel with them. I am going to share photos from our Carnival "Alternative" and in the process of making a video from these 3 days. It should be posted some time this week! For now...enjoy the photos!

Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival

Thursday, February 16, 2012

One Month Update!

It is hard to believe that today marks the first MONTH that I've been in Haiti! The time passes by rather quickly here...although some days feel like they last forever. I am definitely enjoying life here at Nehemiah Vision Ministries. Thankful/blessed to be an addition to the NVM staff, and the wonderful things that NVM is doing for Haiti and the Kingdom of God. I have been asked by numerous people, what the living conditions were like for me, here at NVM. So...I decided to go around campus and take a picture of (almost) everything, so that you can sort of get a "feel" for the campus!

NVM Entrance
Entrance to Nehemiah Vision Ministries

Girls & Boys Dorms
Girls and Boys Dorms
View Behind the Girls & Boys Dorms
View of the Mountains, Behind the Dorms
NVM Dining Hall
Dining Hall
Boys bathrooms/showers/Laundy Room
Mens Restrooms/Showers and Laundry Room
Boys/Girls bathrooms and the Dining Hall
Mens Restrooms/Showers, Dining Hall, and Womens Restrooms/Showers
View from the Campus-side of NVM
Hospital and Basketball Court
NVM School
NVM School
NVM Medical Clinic/Pre-School
NVM Medical Clinic and PreSchool/Kindergarten
NVM Childrens Homes
Two Childrens Homes Under Construction
NVM Church
NVM Church

NVM Warehouse
NVM Warehouse
NVM Office & Church
NVM Administrative Office (left) and Church (right)

NVM Hospital
NVM Hospital Under Construction

Slideshow of all the photos:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 3 Update!

Today marks the third week that I have been in Haiti! It is hard to believe that 3 weeks have already gone by, since my arrival on January 16th. Just to give everyone an idea of some of the projects I've been working on...I am going to share with you the biggest project that I have been working on, which is the warehouse on the campus here at Nehemiah Vision Ministries. This is probably the most creative warehouse that I have ever seen. Yes, creative. I say this because the four corners of this building consists of shipping containers (see pics below). Definitely don't come across this too often (or at all) back in the States!

The warehouse:

Inside of the warehouse....Before we started to re-organize and consolidate:
In the midst of attempting to re-organize/consolidate...we received another container of food last week, from GAiN (Global Aid Network)!:

 Brandon Hutchens, Mission Teams Coordinator here at NVM:
Unloading the incoming container into a storage container we consolidated earlier in the week:

Heavy pallets and an incline are not ideal!

How the warehouse looks as of today, February 6 (compare this to the first picture in this blog post ^):

We have spent numerous hours re-organizing & consolidating containers, throwing out trash, and installing the new warehouse racking in the left-rear portion of the warehouse!! We hope to receive more warehouse racking to fill every wall...which will help aid our main goal of KEEPING the warehouse in order (neatness, location & inventory of donations, etc.) I will keep everyone posted on the progress of the warehouse throughout the next 6 months! I am beyond excited about the progress that we have already made! I work with a great staff here at Nehemiah Vision Ministries...and I look forward to spending the next 5 or so months working with them.