Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Passion and Purpose

In my spare time, I enjoy watching and taking notes on sermons from my home church by Pastor Chuck Milian (Crossroads Fellowship in Raleigh, NC) and from Louie Giglio (Passion City Church in Atlanta, GA).  As some of you know, I work full time in an office setting.  The majority of my work day is spent completing mundane clerical-type tasks.  God has been stirring up my heart lately, leading me to question why in the world I spending eight hours a day in an office, with little-to-no human interaction.  I might have two or three guys come in, for a combination of perhaps twenty minutes out of an eight hour work day.  Don't get me wrong, I am extremely thankful that God has blessed me with a full time position.  He was definitely looking out for me.

I hadn't watched a sermon by Louie Giglio since my six month mission trip in Haiti last year.  I decided to head over to the Passion City Church website to catch up on the latest sermon series.....and boy, am I glad that God led me to do so.  Louie's sermon preached an April 7, 2013, entitled "Whatever", was the first of his series "Passion+Purpose".  I was unsure what to expect, considering the simple title of this sermon.  To put it simply, this is a truly life-changing sermon.  God knew the questions that had been stirring inside of my heart, and He answered them through this message, and other messages in this series; "Passion+Purpose".

I'll try to cover the basis of this sermon, in a nutshell.  He states that many of us have questions such as, "Can I KNOW, WHY I am here? How do I know that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing? Can my life really count...for the stuff that matters most? What does GOD want me to do?"

Louie describes how each-and-every human being on this Earth have been wired with specific passions...things that truly speak to you and make you feel alive.  He states that we all might not share the same passion, we all share the same PURPOSE, as mentioned in Colossians 3:17: "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

"We all have unique opportunities, given by God.  God's not looking for people to simply exist.  God wants you to live, feeling ALIVE! Maybe doing that thing that you told somebody you wanted to do, but they laughed so hard that you haven't told anybody since...THIS may be the passion that God has put inside of you...There is something that moves you.  Don't look for the "Top 5 Careers", or cities with the best jobs...God has wired ME to do something.  I have a purpose in life that is GREATER than this thing I am passionate about.  That I came from God, am sustained by God, and will return to God."

Now I sit here wondering to myself, "If I found out that I had six months left on this Earth....what would I be doing differently? Would I regret not actively pursuing the true passions that God has instilled in me? Would I abandon the mundane job that I have and don't truly enjoy? Etc..." The fact of the matter is, you and I are not promised another day, week, month, year or even breath.  Several days have passed since I first started this post....I came across this video, of a teenager who was diagnosed with an incurable type of cancer and given six months to a year to live.  I thank God for leading me to this video...inspirational is an understatement.  After viewing the sermons last week by Louie Giglio and upon watching this video...I've realized that I have to dig into the Word and truly seek Christ's wisdom and direction...We never know what day will be our last.  So now I ask you....Are you pursuing a passion that God has instilled in you?  Are you honoring God in the job, sport, hobby, etc. that you're participating in? Do you wake up each morning, feeling refreshed and excited to begin your work or school day?  Or do you dread the thirty minute commute to work, the monotonous 8-hour workday, the hassling boss, and the gossiping co-workers...just so you can earn enough wages to make ends meet and have the bills paid?  There are ways to utilize the passions that God has blessed each and every one of us with....and still earn a living sufficient enough to provide our daily necessities as well as support our families.  Is our non-renewable and priceless life energy worth the wages that you are receiving?

"You don't have to find out that you're dying, to start living."
                                             -Zach Sobiech

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